Crop Hail coverage provides protection against physical damage from hail and/or fire. Coverage is provided on an acre by acre basis, so that damage that occurs on only a part of a farm may be eligible for payment when the rest of the field remains unaffected.
Benefits – Crop Hail coverage provides protection up to the actual value of your crop.
How it works – A dollar amount of coverage is selected by the producer. Options with deductibles are available.
Extended Coverages – Not only do you get the protection against hail storms, you are covered against fire, lightning, vandalism and malicious mischief and certain perils while in transit and storage at no additional cost.
See your agent today. It pays to be protected! Even if your frequency of hail damage is low, remember that Crop Hail coverage is rated for your area. It is an inexpensive way to protect against hail damage.